The Cécilia Attias Foundation for Women helps to actualize concrete improvement in the lives of women around the world by providing a strategic, financial, networking, and media platform for established nongovernmental organizations, social enterprises, and associations that champion the cause of women's equality and well-being.
HOW WE WORKOur aim is to create and expand a community of NGOs, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, policymakers, and business leaders all committed to achieving tangible improvements in the lives of women worldwide. This community gives NGOs the support structure they need to pursue their mission and learn from one another.
We turn our words into action by using our global network to help NGOs and social entrepreneurs build working partnerships with other innovative initiatives and businesses seeking to contribute to women's empowerment. We provide a forum for NGOs and social entrepreneurs, as well as governments and businesses, to build the public-private linkages they need to share best practices, foster issue clusters, and collaborate on projects.
By working together with our diverse partners, CAFW hopes to give NGOs and social entrepreneurs the tools and connections they need to confront the issues facing women today.